Empowering Entrepreneurs: Reflecting on our Q3 2024 Initiatives

It’s impossible not to reflect on the activities that kept us deeply engaged and committed to our mission of empowering entrepreneurs across Africa. From April to July, our team was dedicated to driving initiatives that equipped individuals and businesses with the knowledge, tools, and capital needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving global market. This period was marked by intense planning, collaboration, and execution of the SME Bootcamp South East Edition.

In April, we kicked off the launch of the SME Bootcamp by hosting a cocktail conversation with key stakeholders and high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), centered around the theme “Fueling Progress in the South East.” The discussion highlighted the region’s rich heritage, entrepreneurial spirit, and immense potential to become an economic powerhouse. The SME Bootcamp South East Edition officially began with an orientation session on June 1st, marking the start of an intensive 4-week program.

The SME Bootcamp: Empowering Entrepreneurs for Rapid Growth and Global Competitiveness


The SME Bootcamp, an intensive 4-week program, was designed to equip entrepreneurs with the essential skills and resources required for rapid growth and global competitiveness. We recognized the pressing need to uplift SMEs, which are the backbone of Nigeria’s economy, contributing 48% of the GDP and employing 84% of the workforce. With this in mind, the Bootcamp provided a comprehensive training across essential business topics ranging from sustainable Manufacturing Practices, Export Readiness to Product Development and the Power of Your Money, etc.

The Bootcamp was a resounding success, bringing together over 100 entrepreneurs from the South East region, including Abia, Imo, Anambra, Enugu, and Ebonyi states. These entrepreneurs participated in a robust curriculum ensuring that they left the program better equipped to tackle the challenges of scaling their businesses.


A Collaborative Effort: Partners Who Made It Happen

The success of the SME Bootcamp would not have been possible without the invaluable support of our partners. Powered by 234Finance in collaboration with Voice of the East, the Bootcamp’s closing ceremony was held in Enugu State on Thursday, July 18th, 2024. The event was further bolstered by the generous support of Nepal Energies, the Ngozi Ekeoma Foundation (NEF), the Enugu SME Centre, and Chisco. Their contributions ensured the smooth participation of all attendees.

Highlights from the Closing Ceremony


The closing ceremony was a significant event,  celebrating the end of weeks of hard work, learning, and growth. Held in Enugu State, the event featured a range of activities designed to celebrate the achievements of the participants and reinforce the importance of SME development in Nigeria.

The keynote speaker, Dr. Chima Anyaso, CEO of CAADES Group, delivered a powerful address, calling for increased business collaborations to reposition the South East region economically. He emphasized that the region’s rich culture and human capital could only be fully harnessed by addressing security challenges, promoting transparent governance, and fostering an inclusive environment.

Mrs. Ezinne Nwazulu, Managing Partner of 234Finance, also spoke at the ceremony, expressing her excitement about the transformation and growth she witnessed among the participants. She highlighted the critical role that SMEs play in Nigeria’s economy and stressed the importance of continuous capacity building to ensure their success.

The Pitching Competition: Celebrating Innovation and Excellence

One of the most anticipated segments of the day was the pitching competition, where 10 finalists competed for top prizes. The competition was intense, showcasing the ideas and business acumen of the participants. In the end, Jelapetra Farms emerged as the winner, securing ₦2 million in grant funding. Astrae claimed second place with ₦1.5 million, while Kavita Foods earned third place with the sum of   ₦1 million.

The panel of judges, Ejike Egbuagu – Chief Executive of Moneda Invest,  Ezinne Nwazulu – Managing Partner of 234Finance, Chinny Okoye – Group CEO of East Side Ventures, Hon. Arinze Chiloh-Affiah –  Special Adviser on Digital Economy and MSMEs Director, Enugu SME Center, and Dr. Munachino Eze Obinna – Founder of Muna Real Estate Ltd., ensured a fair and transparent process.

A Bright Future Ahead: What’s Next?


As the ceremony drew to a close, participants were awarded certificates, recognizing their successful completion of the SME Bootcamp training. The event provided networking opportunities, allowing entrepreneurs to connect with potential partners and investors. The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many commending the organizers for the initiative. They also stated that the knowledge and capacity built during the Bootcamp would significantly impact their businesses and the regional economy.

But we’re not stopping here. As we continue to push forward, we’re thrilled to announce that the SME Bootcamp will be replicated in more cities across Nigeria. This expansion is part of our commitment to reaching more entrepreneurs and ensuring that they have the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to join us in your city as we continue to empower the next generation of African entrepreneurs!